Learning to become good citizens has been part of immigrant education
throughout US history. Early in this century, for example, settlement houses established programs to help newcomers assimilate.
Classes to assist immigrants through a naturalization process that includes passing the U.S. Immigrant and Naturalization
Service (INS) exam are a newer phenomenon. Such classes have seen dramatic enrollment gains as record numbers of people--five
million in the last five years--have become citizens (Constable, 1997). This trend is due to recent high levels of immigration,
new federal laws regarding immigrants and public benefits, and immigrants' fears about anti-immigrant sentiment and where
it might lead.
This digest will describe the educational requirements of the naturalization
process and give ESL teachers a variety of activities to use when preparing learners for the citizenship exam.
If you are interested in
volunteering to help an immigrant or refugee obtain U.S. citizenship, please click here.
We provide
Answer U.S. history and government
Prepare for the test
Speak in the oral interview
Our Service for every one
interested Citizenship Preparation Class is welcome for free of charge.