The Process of Cultural Adjustment
We are all products of a culture. Many of us are a product of multiple cultures. It is necessary when discussing "culture"
to begin with a broad definition of the meaning of "Culture."cultuer is belief system, a way of thinking, how one expresses
oneself. culture is language, the interests one developes, the mannerisms one uses to to express oneself, the arts that one's
society creates.
when refugees arrive in the united states they are entering "cultures" that were previously unkown. yhe images
that refugees have of America may vary. previous exposure to Americas, movies or television programs may have shaped their
"view" of what it is to be an American and what living in America must be like. As you begin to mentor refugees you will experience
what what it is like to interact with the people who may believe that America and Americans are one thing but not another.
Part of the enjoyment you will have will be educating the refugees about the diversity in American society. Conversely,you
will have the experience of learning what life was like in the country from which the refugees came.
Asyou go through the process of cultural uderstanding, you will recognize that people from different cultures communicate
differently, and that there are different forms of communication.Depending upon communication patters with in a given
culture/society, the refugee may use either to varying degrees depending upon the given situation.
As refugees explain or attempt to explain a concept to you, or desires to ask a question, the manner in which the refugee
does so will likely incorporate elements of their culture. you should remember this and uderstand that the difficulty refugees
have in communication sometimes leads to feelings of isolation with in their new society. As a freinds of a refugees volunteer,
you should help your freinds express themselves and discuss problems they may be experiencing. the dialogue that you
have with refugees assists them in the delicate transition to their new home
.When anyone arrives in a new country it is common to experience ''culture shock.'' people experiencing culture shockmay
become frustratedat thier in ability to accomplish in their new society that which they easily accomplished in their former home.typical
signs of culture shock include: irritation loss of appetite, anger , fatigue, irritability, or a sense of indifference about
life.As you interact with refugees, you may see that they are experiencing culture shock. you should know that for many refugees
the symptoms subside, becouse of the ties they form with their new community.this makes our role vary.