With such success, Journey's End Refugee Services now provides comprehensive job preparation
and placement services to any refugee, asylum grantees, or victim of human trafficking that resides in the Salt Lake City
and County area. Services include:
transportation for job Searches, interviews, etc
on job training in native Languages
translation of job rules,Policies, and procedures ,into native languages
teaching of necessary English for Specific jobs
cultural orientation to all Job seekers that ensure a Positive Relationship to employers
teach skills for filling our job applications
The Somali Community development of Utah Employment
Services program set an ambitious goal of placing all employable refugee clients into full-time jobs by their 4th month in the US – a goal that still remains. By
the end of the first year of service, 95% of all employable clients had been placed in gainful employment and were moving
their families toward economic independence
We placed the refugee’s
different employers such as,
Nesco Resources,
Strategic Staffing,
Desert Industry
University of Utah
And many other Employers not enough still we are looking other employers
who hires currently keep in mind, we have job seekers trained looking immediate start jobs!
Please fax Current job open at (801) 433-0448 or E-mial at Contact@the-scdu.org
Job Search