2003-2004 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
In the June 18th2003 the Somali Community Development of Utah founded by Sharif Kaharaba and established by itself as a non-profit
Organization in Utah Serving low-income refugees from Africa and Other Countries.
Since June 2003 to June 2004 the Somali Community development of Utah developed future five year planning document, the
Consolidated plan, which included last year our action taken which measurable successes for FY June 18th2003 to June 18th2004.
The Annual actions taken successfully are following programs:
·English as a second Languages (ESL) Program
The English as a Second language (ESL) Class began with 30 individuals and one Volunteer teacher meeting twice a week.
Today, the Class is held every day for over 50 individuals lead by three volunteer teachers plus five Volunteers tutoring
at home base education.
Youth, Sports and Substance preventions
Somali Community Development of Utah has Created two Soccer teams and one basket ball team actively participated (Salt Lake
World Refugee Day) Tournament was held last June here in Salt Lake City
·Somali Community Development of Utah Soccer teams actively promoting friendly Competitions tournaments with other Soccer
teams in the Valley.
Substance abuse Prevention:
The Somali Community Development of Utah has a big challenge in this area, because
Today, New Arrival Refugees Youth in Utah had tripled than before. Unfortunately we are unable to help prevent substance
abuse at moment, due to luck of funding. Now, we have young Somali refugees arrested and placed in State Correction facilities
because of drug use. Others may be on the way if we do not take place action immediately in this matter. Also a parenting
education classes are so needed to help assist families having difficulties adjusting to American Culture and the changing
their children are experiencing difficult and change behaviors. The Third District Juvenile Court Senior probation Officer
Amy Maquet Muti spoke with us about Somali refugees in correction facilities and how we can work together to solve this problem.
Unfortunately we can't do much more because we need a facility and funds to prevent more kids from drug addiction and to provide
counseling to educate kids and parents about the consequences and problems of using drugs. If we could get funding in this
area will help prevent young kids drug addiction and will acceleration our prevention and intervention program because we
do have a fact statistics particular this people. 75% percent of the Somalis refugee in Utah are Smoking cigarettes, lees
than 1% are alcoholic, about 1-1/2% Suspects Drugs Use report from their parents based claim their kid's behavior changing.
Interpreting Services
The SCD-Utah has now promoting Overall role of (The basic purpose of the interpreting to facilitate and bridging gap of understanding
in communication between people and who speaking different languages). So we have Volunteers certified professional medical
interpreters for you doing
· Sight Translation as you needed
· Simultaneous Interpreting
· Consecutive Interpreting.
Our interpreters are well educated and trained as well as Medical terminology, and Code of ethics, and confidential agreement
with Culture competences
Our Services so free and we help 850 individuals in the Salt Lake Valley
Somali Community Development of Utah Volunteer Medical Interpreters has trained through Utah department of Health and
well prepared for Ethics and (hippa) regulations although at moment we not hired any paid employees but our volunteers benefited
training and experience received through our services.
At moment we have 17 volunteers interpreters Speaking different languages willing to help non-speak English populations
Employment Services
Somali Community development of Utah has developed employment services program through referrals.
Since last year we were referred 500 clients a number of 77 clients now actively working with different companies.
A number of 280 clients we were referred to English learning centers because of language barrier with no skill at all,
and our Space so litter and we are unable to provide that huge numbers to provide ESL Classes lack of funding.
A number of 143 clients since we referred to job-placement they were not Coming back and we don't know their status.
DWS- Work-Site Program
Since we started this new program 04. The Department Work-force Services has referred to Somali Community Development of Utah
Five clients Direct work-site Program all five clients after finish our training we place the our Job-search program and now
all five of them are working with different companies.
Other Social Services related Issues
·Accomplishments include:
Successfully assisted 255 new low-income refugees families with housing Issues, food stamps, Medicaid, financial assistance,
legal issues,
Financial Literacy -Program
·Accomplishments 54 Student attended this program all our students benefited how they manage their financial and plan their
Somali Community Development of Utah now looking partner organization willing to help students more financial education
Action Taken:
·Still we are continued to develop partnerships
Ethnic Communities Leaders
·Somali Community Development of Utah has developed ethnic Community Leaders was created with a variety of Somalis Consist
(seven elders) Working in the Community Solving Domestic Family Problems, Youth Supervision, Drug Preventions, Divorce and
marriage Counseling, and Promoting intercultural Activities, faunal Issues,
Annual Culture Event
Somali Community Development of Utah has established a program and
Events on how to promote Social interaction between refugees and local
Citizens, so this event is a part of it.
Our first annual culture night were held in October 11th2003 attracting over 150 individuals and families.
Our second annual culture night were held in July 31 2004 attracting over 170 individuals
In the future we will expand our programs toward culture
Demographics, history, heritage, values and art activities to all
Other refugee Community.
Refugees Kid Action Program
· Somali Community Development of Utah has created this program to help kid's tutoring at Schools we started at Mount-view
Elementary School voluntarily help tutoring entire school needed.
Our three volunteer tutors help start tutoring kid's last school academic year and this year school enrollments session
was June 26th 2004 although at moment we need to expand this program to other schools in salt lake city area because we saw
how help full it is this program to mount-view and it will help other schools.
Christmas Gifts:
·Gift last year we provide Christmas Gifts 80 kids From 1st Grade to 6th Grade but this year we hope to provide 500 to 1000
kids if we get enough
Assessment of the Future Five Year Goals Consolidated Plan and Annual Reports of the(SCD-Utah)
5 Year Objective Consolidated Plan
First Year Goal
Actual June 03 To June 04
Actual June 04 to June 05
Actual June 05 to June 06
Actual June 06 to June 07
Actual June 07 to June 08
% Of 5 Year Goal
special Needs
English as a Second Language
45 students Regular attended
50 StudentsRegisteredESL Program
Expecting 80-100 Students
Expecting continued
Expecting Continued
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Health Education
HIV PreventionClasses
18 Students were Completed HIV Prevention class at Utah Health Department
45 Student were Registered
65- 75 Students
75- 90 Students
100-120 Students
Expecting 150 Students
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Interpreting Services
Clinic & HospitalsWill Continued
850 IndividualsWe provide Interpreting Services
Expecting 1800 Clients or More
Expect2000Client or more
Expect2000Client or more
Expect 2000 Client or more
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Employment Services
Will Continued
213 Individuals Successfully Working
500 Individuals Registered Job search
1000 or more
Expect 2000 Or More Clients we Serve
3000 or More
4000 or more
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DWS-Work Site
Will Continued
We trained 5Client Now are Working with different Companies
5 Clients coming Referral Though DWS For Work Site Training
50 Clients Or More
150 Clients Or more
200ClientsOr More
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Client we Help get into Public Assistance
1)Housing Issues
2)Food Stamps
150 Clients
90 Clients
15 Clients
Total We assisted 255-low Income families
400 Clients will expect
500 Client will expect
600 Clients Or More
Will expecting 600 Clients Or more
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Christmas Gifts
Will Continued
80 Kid's Received Christmas Gift Last Year Through SCD-Utah
100 kid's Or More
200 Kid's or more
300 Kid's
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Financial Literacy
We educate refugees how they Can manage their financials
54 Students Success full Completed
54 Students Registered last year
400 Students Will expect Complete Financial Literacy
400 Student or More
500 Student or more
500 StudentsOr More
we are looking Partner to help our clients get into Buisness, Home Owner ships etc.
The Consolidated Plan contained a set of eight objectives to address capacity Building for the future refugees Community needs
June2003 to june2008 .In addition, the plan laid out a number of Strategies to accomplish these goals. The table on the following
page lists all of these objectives and strategies, and illustrates the progress that has been made towards last year June2003
to June 2004 and the rest following coming years.
As Table a Depicts, Somali Community Development of Utah (SCD-Utah) made significant progress last year and will also
in the future of the following coming years.
From July 2003 to July 2004 The total number we served are 1794 Clients
By adding accomplishments last year we were held twice Somali culture night events at the Jubilee center after we companied
both events attracting over 320 individuals.
Estimation for New Arrival Somali Refugees in Utah
SCD-Utah Estimates that new arrival Somali Bantus in Utah more than 500 hundreds individuals, generally coming through IRC
and Catholic Community Services in addition to that, recent Somalis moving from other States are growing as we have helped
since January 04 a Single mother from Ohio. SCD-Utah set up apartment for the client and provided deposit and first month
rental assistance with initial case management to set up welfare assistance. It is anticipated that more arrivals will continue
to move to Utah to be with family and friends. Culture differences: Culture differences are biggest barrier between all school
system and the Somali refugees students and parents.
SCD-Utah Conduct Survey shows that the parents won't allow their Children to participate in School activities as Choir,
Music Classes, and Sports and after School Programs, etc.;Luck of culture in understanding and ;communication barrier between
parents and teachers causes the Parents are unable to attend parent teacher Conference and children may develop poor attendances.
Our Community survey clearing shows these above two major points are affecting student ability to be successful in school.
Although School District Dedicated and hired Interpreters but still barriers occurred luck of unevicient building bridge culture
in understanding. So the Somali Community
Development of Utah develop program to help parent educated about basic life and system Schools how works, and what parent
and teachers conference benefit their kids future!
Somali Community Development of Utah made 25 Session to educated parents how system education works. We educated 62 parents
since July 2003 to July 2004 the progress made this project is to how to understand parents and teachers during conference.
Although we are not able to hire full time or part time employed help is kind job but we run voluntarily unpaid that is why
slow run project. Also these projects are part of Culture Orientation including how to ride the bus or Trax, Shopping, Home
safety, and sanitation, etc.
The challenges we faced since last year we applied two grants
·One of the grant we applied was a CDBG FY 2003-2004 Amount of $17,400.00 unfortunately we not received that grant
·Other one we applied to National Office of the Refugee Resettlement (ORS). We waiting respond in February 2005
All of us we work hard and also we are proud our contribution time money Programs we run at moment with out Fund Just We donating
our time and we refer Our Client to Other Organizations That has Resources to help client needs. If we could receive funding
to run the programs we can do much more successfully.
Somali Community Development of Utah Board Meetings
We held on First week of the month to discuss about our services and what most refugees in need and what our programs
most helpful and what we have done.
Our staff meetings we held on every Mondays of the week, that keeps update on activities our staff carry out through the
Organization Financial Activity
Our Organization Financial activity 100% Office Operating Cost that come from Contributions from our selves and other Somali
Refugees please see the chart next page indicated.
June 18, 2003 to June2004 Income and Expenses:
Total Revenue
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Total Expenses
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Surplus/ (Deficit)
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Program Services fees
Office Operating Cost
Major Sources of Revenue % of Total Income:
Total Income %
Government Grants
Sales (supplies, assets)
United way
Program Services fees
Investment, Interest,
Organizational Capacity
Financial books for the SCD-Utah by the board of director and all who wish to see them. Accountants from within Somali Community,
Director of SCD-Utah and two employees one from the Social Research Institute of the University of Utah and other one from
privet certified accounting those two volunteer their time to manage and maintain the financial books.
Somali Community Development of Utah (SCD-Utah) has been actively involve community for one year during that time SCD-Utah
established volunteers from Salt Lake Community college, pro-bono attorneys, the Dream center, families, social workers, mental
health counselors, and high school students. As this organization grows, it is anticipated that more Work site unpaid training
from DWS clients. These unpaid Training work-site were monitored and trained by the Director of the SCD-Utah
Other Contribution /and in kind Donations
Utah Dream Center
6 Chairs, 1 Copy machine, 1 Fax
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
2)1 desk and Chair,
Other Agencies made Contributions
Kind Contributions
Asian Association of Utah
$200.00 for Somali Culture Night
Jubilee center
Contributed Space for Culture event.
Utah Dream Center
Space for ESL Program
Department Workforce Services
5 Unpaid worksite/intern
Mount view elementary School
Space for ESL/parenting Education
Currently funding SCD-Utah
Currently, all funding provided to keep SCD-Utah up and running is being donated by individuals and families within the Community.
A large portion of SCD-Utah funding is coming directly from the Somali community itself, from individuals who were once refugees
and want to give back to the community to ensure other refugees will be successful in America. It is anticipated that requests
for local and federal grants will bro actively pursued by SCD-Utah. Donations from the community will be accepted as well
as community events sponsored by SCD-Utah that will generate funding. Securing funding from sister agencies is currently being
pursued as well. It is the organization intent to provide the necessary matching requirements and charitable funds to support
the Somali Community Development of Utah
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volunteer Oppourtunity